Barcelona by night
bling bling
Best clubs in Barcelona
martedì, novembre 22, 2016
English version below -
Barcellona non è famosa solo per la Sagrada Familia, Casa BatllĂ³, la Rambla, e tutte le migliaia di cose che si possono visitare; Barcellona è famosa anche per le serate e per le discoteche. Ma un articolo solo non basterebbe per descrivere le discoteche migliori di Barcellona.
Barcelona is famous not only for the Sagrada Familia, Casa BatllĂ³, the Rambla, and all the thousands of things that can be visited; is Barcelona famous also for the nights and clubs. But only one article wouldn't be enough to describe best clubs in Barcelona.
Mainly we go out in two areas when we go clubbing: Port OlĂmpic, where you can find all the clubs on the beach, which normally, especially during summer, are full of tourists; and the area of Aribau-Tuset, where most of the people are locals.
There are, then, a lot of clubs that don't come under these two areas: Razzmatazz, a concert hall with 5 different rooms, one for every taste; Sala Apolo, in the area of Parallel, which organizes concerts and different parties from Monday (Nasty Monday) to Sunday; La Terrrazza, in the area of Plaça Espanya, open only during summer; Sala Bikini, in the district of Camp Nou, which is the most famous place for latin music together with Oak, that on Thursdays hosts a party organized by different schools of salsa and bachata where the dancers meet to apply what they learn in class and have fun all together.
Obviously there are plenty more: Otto Zutz, for instance, in the district of Garcia, where we usually go on Wednesdays because offers a free tapas dinner, followed by an open bar and the party. Then there are those around the Rambla: Jamboree and Sidecar in Plaça Reial, which, because of the location, are necessarily very touristic; and Les Enfants, open from Thursday to Sunday with two rooms: one commercial and one more reggaeton-latino.
One of my favorites, which, despite is pretty posh, I think is the best, is Sutton, where even the waiters only get hired if are models. There, they say that lots of girls only go to find football players/business men/rich guys in general. Indeed, I've seen a few facts that confirmed me that, but I guess that girls that go out with the only aim of finding a rich boyfriend are almost everywhere.
In Sutton, if you sign up to the list, you enter for free before 2 am.
My second favorite day to go out is Sunday, with the pair Movida+Nuba: we usually go at Movida around 7, it's a quite relaxed disco-club in Aribau. After that, we usually head to Nuba (as 90% of people who go to Movida does), which is actually 20 minutes from there: it's a restaurant-lounge bar-club that during the week is a calm place to have a dinner and a drink, but on Sunday it's completely different. In theory, here you can enter for free if you are on a list before of 9 pm.
Another club in Tuset, exactly in front of Sutton, is Bling Bling, where we usually go on Thursdays. Here, too: two rooms, one commercial, and the other one, way smaller, with reggaeton music. Free entry before 2,30 am.
Always in Tuset there is, then, Gatsby, property of the Sutton Group, restaurant that livens up with dance shows after dinner time. Perfect to spend a pre-party to stay then around.
In Aribau there are, one in front of the other, Costa Breve and Soho Club, both with a pretty young clientele and with music alternating commercial and reggaeton. Both free before 2,30 am.
As far as I am concerned, this is my favorite area to go out in the city where the party starts early and never stops.
Barcellona non è famosa solo per la Sagrada Familia, Casa BatllĂ³, la Rambla, e tutte le migliaia di cose che si possono visitare; Barcellona è famosa anche per le serate e per le discoteche. Ma un articolo solo non basterebbe per descrivere le discoteche migliori di Barcellona.
Principalmente noi usciamo in due zone quando andiamo a ballare: Port OlĂmpic, in cui si trovano tutti i locali e le discoteche sul mare, e che generalmente, soprattutto in estate, sono piene di turisti, e la zona di Aribau-Tuset, in cui la maggior parte della gente è del posto.
Ci sono poi altre discoteche che non rientrano in queste zone: il Razzmatazz, una sala concerti con 5 sale discoteca diverse, una per tutti i gusti; la Sala Apolo, nella zona di Parallel, che organizza concerti e serate diverse dal lunedì (Nasty Monday) alla domenica; La Terrazza, in zona Plaça Espanya, che è aperta solo d'estate, la Sala Bikini, in zona Camp Nou, che è il locale piĂ¹ famoso per la musica latina insieme all'Oak, in cui il giovedì c'è una serata organizzata da varie scuole di salsa e bachata in cui i ballerini si trovano per mettere in pratica quello che hanno imparato e divertirsi tutti assieme. Ovviamente ce ne sono moltissime altre: l'Otto Zutz, ad esempio, in zona Gracia, in cui di solito andiamo al mercoledì perchĂ© si comincia con una cena a base di tapas gratis, seguita da open bar e serata. Poi ci sono quelli in zona Rambla: il Jamboree e il Sidecar in Plaça Reial, che per la location sono per forza di cose parecchio turistici; e il Les Enfants, aperto da giovedì a domenica con due sale: una commerciale e una reggaeton.
Dopo aver parlato un po' delle discoteche fuori dalle due zone con piĂ¹ concentrazione di locali, in questo articolo mi concentrerĂ² sulla zona di Aribau-Tuset, nel prossimo parlerĂ² delle discoteche sul mare.
Uno dei vantaggi di Barcellona, per lo meno per me, essendo ragazza, è che se si entra in discoteca entro una certa ora (generalmente verso le 2-2,30) non si paga l'ingresso. E questo in tutte le discoteche, anche le piĂ¹ eleganti.
Una delle mie preferite, e che secondo me è la migliore, nonostante sia parecchio "pettinata" (elegante-snob) è il Sutton, in cui perfino i camerieri vengono assunti solo se sono modelli. Lì dicono che un sacco di ragazze vanno solo ed esclusivamente per cercare calciatori/imprenditori/ricchi in generale. In effetti ho visto qualche scena che me l'ha confermato, ma immagino che le ragazze che hanno come primo obiettivo quando escono quello di cercare un fidanzato ricco ci siano un po' dappertutto.
Anche qui, se ci si mette in lista prima delle 2 si entra gratis.
Il mio secondo giorno preferito per uscire è la domenica, con l'accoppiata Movida e Nuba: alla Movida ci andiamo di solito verso le 7, è un disco-club abbastanza tranquillo in Aribau. Da lì ci spostiamo poi al Nuba (come fa il 90% delle persone che vanno alla Movida), che in realtà è a 20 minuti da lì: un ristorante-discoteca che nei giorni della settimana è un posto tranquillo per andare a cenare e a bere, ma la domenica è tutta un'altra storia. Qui teoricamente si entra gratis in lista prima delle 9.
Una delle altre discoteche in Tuset, esattamente davanti al Sutton, è il Bling Bling, in cui di solito andiamo il giovedì. Anche qui: due sale, una commerciale e una molto piĂ¹ piccola con musica reggaeton, con ingresso gratuito entro le 2,30.
Sempre in Tuset c'è poi il Gatsby, di proprietà del gruppo Sutton, ristorante che poi si anima con spettacoli di ballo verso fine serata. Ideale per fare un pre-serata per restare poi in zona.
In Aribau ci sono, uno davanti all'altro, il Costa Breve e il Soho Club, entrambi con una clientela piuttosto giovane e con musica che alterna commerciale a reggaeton. Ed entrambi gratis entro le 2,30.
Per quello che mi riguarda, questa è la mia zona preferita per andare a far serata nella città in cui la festa comincia presto e non finisce mai.
Barcelona is famous not only for the Sagrada Familia, Casa BatllĂ³, the Rambla, and all the thousands of things that can be visited; is Barcelona famous also for the nights and clubs. But only one article wouldn't be enough to describe best clubs in Barcelona.
Mainly we go out in two areas when we go clubbing: Port OlĂmpic, where you can find all the clubs on the beach, which normally, especially during summer, are full of tourists; and the area of Aribau-Tuset, where most of the people are locals.
There are, then, a lot of clubs that don't come under these two areas: Razzmatazz, a concert hall with 5 different rooms, one for every taste; Sala Apolo, in the area of Parallel, which organizes concerts and different parties from Monday (Nasty Monday) to Sunday; La Terrrazza, in the area of Plaça Espanya, open only during summer; Sala Bikini, in the district of Camp Nou, which is the most famous place for latin music together with Oak, that on Thursdays hosts a party organized by different schools of salsa and bachata where the dancers meet to apply what they learn in class and have fun all together.
Obviously there are plenty more: Otto Zutz, for instance, in the district of Garcia, where we usually go on Wednesdays because offers a free tapas dinner, followed by an open bar and the party. Then there are those around the Rambla: Jamboree and Sidecar in Plaça Reial, which, because of the location, are necessarily very touristic; and Les Enfants, open from Thursday to Sunday with two rooms: one commercial and one more reggaeton-latino.
After having talked about the clubs outside the two areas mentioned before, I will focus on the area of Aribau-Tuset, and in the next article I will talk about the clubs on the beach.
One of the advantages of Barcelona, at least for me, being a girl, is that if you enter a club before a certain time (usually around 2-2,30) you don't pay the entrance. And that happens in all the clubs, even the most elegant ones.
One of the advantages of Barcelona, at least for me, being a girl, is that if you enter a club before a certain time (usually around 2-2,30) you don't pay the entrance. And that happens in all the clubs, even the most elegant ones.
One of my favorites, which, despite is pretty posh, I think is the best, is Sutton, where even the waiters only get hired if are models. There, they say that lots of girls only go to find football players/business men/rich guys in general. Indeed, I've seen a few facts that confirmed me that, but I guess that girls that go out with the only aim of finding a rich boyfriend are almost everywhere.
In Sutton, if you sign up to the list, you enter for free before 2 am.
My second favorite day to go out is Sunday, with the pair Movida+Nuba: we usually go at Movida around 7, it's a quite relaxed disco-club in Aribau. After that, we usually head to Nuba (as 90% of people who go to Movida does), which is actually 20 minutes from there: it's a restaurant-lounge bar-club that during the week is a calm place to have a dinner and a drink, but on Sunday it's completely different. In theory, here you can enter for free if you are on a list before of 9 pm.
Another club in Tuset, exactly in front of Sutton, is Bling Bling, where we usually go on Thursdays. Here, too: two rooms, one commercial, and the other one, way smaller, with reggaeton music. Free entry before 2,30 am.
Always in Tuset there is, then, Gatsby, property of the Sutton Group, restaurant that livens up with dance shows after dinner time. Perfect to spend a pre-party to stay then around.
In Aribau there are, one in front of the other, Costa Breve and Soho Club, both with a pretty young clientele and with music alternating commercial and reggaeton. Both free before 2,30 am.
As far as I am concerned, this is my favorite area to go out in the city where the party starts early and never stops.
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